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答:日本"东京大阪"品牌。由设计师山根英彦一手创的人气街头牛仔品牌, 目前在欧洲造成时尚界瞩目的EVISU,一直是台湾街头品味人士期待引进品牌! 於91年成立Evis,以裤后袋的"M″字图案作标致,原来这"M″字图案是 蜕变自Levi\\\'s的后袋车花。 Evis...
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Then I went on to describe to her the gay company that had lately been staying at the house; and to these details Bessie listened with interest: they were precisely of the kind sh
Then I went on to describe to her the gay company that had lately been staying at the house; and to these details Bessie listened with interest: they were precisely of the kind sh
” He did not take the identification as a compliment; but he made the best of it, and turned it off with a laugh” He did not take the identification as a compliment; but he made th